Why you can trust Eco-Klean?

Why you can trust Eco-Klean?


Check Eco-Klean Certifications Page



Before coming to the market, we put our antiseptic spray through extensive tests at various independent institutions and test laboratories.

And it’s for this reason that we know, and our customers can be assured, that Eco-Klean kills 99.999% of germs.


The effectiveness of hypochlorous acid


Fully tested


Any products that have a biocidal base are required to have authorisation before they can be placed on the market for sale. To achieve the authorisation, we had to demonstrate that Eco-Kleais effective and does not present any risks to humans, animals or the environment. 


NatraSan the world's safest & most powerful hypochlorous


Continual assessment

We do not just stop there. We are constantly improving and carrying out new tests for Eco-Klean disinfectant to achieve more certifications. We will be publishing more updates on the new certifications attained on our website in due course.  


As Eco-Klean is alcohol-free, skin-friendly, non-stinging and fast acting, it’s a staple for any home. It comes in 250ml and 500ml antiseptic spray bottles, as well as a travel buddy size, and can be bought from our online shop or by calling  +6588232099 to place a telephone order.

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